Elaine Kennelly

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Dear Friends,
I have been praying for you since I wrote this book back in 2018.
I understand what you have experienced. I know the pain, the
battles, and the road to healing.
Everyone heals at a different rate, but if you truly desire to
heal, you can. God’s love and grace will show up!
This book will be a partner for you in the healing process. I am
a Wounded Healer, just like you. Together, and with God’s
Truth to guide us, PEACE will find its place into your heart
and mind.
Join the blog and let me know your thoughts. Subscribe to my
monthly letter for all those not yet healed.
Continued prayer for you,

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Here’s what readers are saying about Finding Peace after a Suicide Loss by Elaine Kennelly.
Q & A's
Interview with video responses.
Why did you write Finding Peace after a Suicide Loss?
What was the most difficult part of telling your story?
Who should read this book?
When is the Launch date for this book?