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Does FEAR Have a Grip on You?

Fear is insidious. It comes from deep inside. It is subtle, just creeping into your thoughts without you even realizing its hold on you. Fear is sneaky—just one thought, and then another, and soon we are filled with an uneasiness that quickly can develop into sheer panic and alarm.

Those of us who have lived with a suicide attempt by a loved one know what fear is—that nagging thought— will they attempt suicide again? You worry about protecting them. How can I change the way they think? You are anxious every day. Will it happen again?

And those of us who have lost a loved one to suicide are often filled with a dreaded fear—is my loved one in Heaven?

My dear friend, my pure desire is to help you through the fear and all the negative thoughts that surround a suicide death. First and foremost, if your loved one had faith in Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, your loved one is Home, in Heaven, with Jesus, and he has given us these words:

”I [Jesus] tell you the truth, those who listen to my message and believe in

God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their

sins but they have already passed from death into life.” John 5:24 NLT

Secondly, if fear has its hold on you for any reason, God has given us this message through the prophet Isaiah:

”I am with you. I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will hold you up.”

You can trust God’s promises. Take these words to heart. Memorize them and use them to counteract your negative, uneasy, worrisome thoughts. Then fear and discouragement will have no hold on you because God promises to “hold you up with his victorious right hand.”

Our God means what he says! Rest in his peace!

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Elaine Kennelly
Elaine Kennelly
Apr 29, 2021

Hello Lisa! Thanks for leaving a message. That ALWAYS makes my day! It is lovely to get feedback because without it, I don’t ever know if anyone is reading my blog. Thanks for the great encouragement! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE YOU! Elaine

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