A grief journey is always difficult when you lose someone closest to you: a spouse, a child, a parent. There is rarely good news to share within the first few months after a tragic death, but today I do have good news. In fact, it’s GREAT NEWS….

For the Christian, God’s Grace ALWAYS wins. Let me put it in other words. God’s grace always: absolves us, forgives us, pardons us—completely. It is God’s full love and mercy in action. Through the death and sacrifice of his one and only Son, Jesus, God’s grace rules over us. Through the resurrection of his one and only Son, Jesus, God’s grace rules over us. We can never out-sin God’s marvelous gift of GRACE. We can never separate ourselves from God’s love, mercy, and grace—and it’s ours, free and clear.
We don’t deserve it and can’t pay for it. We simply believe it and receive it—like opening a personal gift. It’s ours forever—a permanent fixture in the lives of God’s people.
So free and liberate yourself from the shackles of guilt, shame, blame, worry and heartache over your past. Yes, we all bear the pain of brokenness. We all have lived in hell at one time or another. But God reaches down to us, lifts us up, and says, “You are still my child, and I forgive you.” That’s Grace.
”So just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules instead, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5:21 NLT
I, too, live under the Great News of Grace,
Elaine Kennelly
Your friend, your comrade, your fellow suicide survivor