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The Character of God... What is it?

Throughout the Old Testament, God paints pictures of himself. He describes himself through things that we will understand. You see, we can never really understand God fully...and thank goodness for that! If we could, we would BE God, and what a pathetic picture that would be.

In this verse, God describes himself as a Strong Tower. Other words he uses in the Psalms are Rock, Fortress, Refuge, Strength, Shield, Guardian, Guide, and that is only a small sample. He, alone as the Creator of the world, sustains and maintains everything!

And then, God reminds us that we are accessible to Him! The God of the Universe invites us to run to him, believe in him, trust in him, find safety in him. Those who are right with God are his forever...and we are safe.

Your loving friend,

“I will bless the LORD who guides me; even at night my heart instructs me. I know the LORD is always with me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safely.” Psalm 16: 7-9


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