majathoenesOct 26, 2021Where Is God After a Suicide Loss?My relationship with God came crashing down after we lost our oldest son to suicide. My faith in God collapsed, as though it was built on...
majathoenesOct 18, 2021Suicide: 2nd Leading Cause of Death for 10-34 Year OldsYes, it’s true. According to the CDC, suicide ranks second in the number of deaths for 10-34 year olds. Last year, again from CDC...
Elaine KennellyOct 11, 2021A Myth: “I’ll Just Stuff All Those Negative Feelings Inside!”About a year after our son’s suicide, I made a terrible mistake. I stopped crying. I wouldn’t talk about Matthew. I put away all his...
Elaine KennellyOct 4, 2021Do YOU Want Peace? Here’s How!I love simple answers. Easy to understand. Step One…Step Two. The only trouble is…it may not be easy…and it may take time. Step One:...