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Do YOU Want Peace? Here’s How!

I love simple answers. Easy to understand. Step One…Step Two.

The only trouble is…it may not be easy…and it may take time.

Step One: Don’t Worry About Anything. Step Two: Pray About Everything. Ahh…but what if my life is out of control? What if tragedy has struck? What if? What if? Believe me, I understand. Life is hard, and at times, we are broken, hurting, and full of anxiety. What then?

The only answer I have for you is prayer. Yes, talk to God, talk to him about everything! You need not fold your hands. You need not have eloquent words. You may even be angry, but God truly desires to hear your honest words and thoughts. He loves you and knows you better than you do! He is never surprised by your anger. He is never perplexed by what you mean. He’s never speechless or dumbfounded by what he hears. He is waiting and longing to help you. The beginning of every relationship starts with talking and listening—even with God.

Step One: Tell God What You Need. Step Two: Thank Him For All He Has Done. We all have needs, and they are all different. But one thing never changes—God love for us never gives up. It never stops, and his love for us endures through every circumstance. Yes, there is something in your life right now to be thankful for—something. Think about it. Find it. Say it out loud and then thank God for it.

God promises us peace through prayer and gratitude. Yes, it is that simple, but why then did it take me so many years to find peace? It was my stubborn inability to let God heal me. I was convinced I could heal all by myself, and I was so wrong.

My precious friend, talk to God, and if nothing else, thank him for his presence with you, and that he is listening, and that he will lead you and guide you to peace. Peace which you may not completely understand, but peace that will guard your heart and your mind. Just trust that God is the giver of peace—for you, yes YOU!

”But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me.” Ps. 13:5 NLT

Trust that I am praying for you, too,


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