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Faith...Oh, God, I Need More!

After my son’s suicide death, I struggled with God, and my entire belief system was challenged. Where was the God I thought I knew? I often became angry. I searched God’s Word for explanations. I became weary in my quest for answers, and when I found none, I had to define what my faith means to me. I came up with this definition:

Blue sky with Christian writer, Elaine Kennelly, quote: Faith is resting in the Presence of God, even when circumstances are overwhelming. Faith is knowing and trusting that God, the Faith, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is more than I will ever need.
Faith is more than I really ever need

The Bible defines faith this way, “the reality of what we hope for; faith is the evidence of things we cannot see.” (Hebrews 11:1) For me personally, faith was resting, not churning, not struggling, not seeking answers, but resting in the pure Presence of God—that He alone would be my sufficiency. He alone would be enough of an answer for me.

I learned that faith is equal to trust. Eventually I had to trust God enough to move forward in my healing, not knowing all the answers, but trusting that God alone, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit was more than I would ever need on earth. Allowing God— to be God—freed my thoughts of anger and unrest and allowed His great Love for me to penetrate my spirit, and calm my soul.

Today, right now, ask God to increase your faith and trust in him as you read these words, “O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help. Listen closely to my prayer, O LORD, hear my urgent cry. I will call on you whenever I’m in trouble, and you will answer me.” Psalms 86:5-7 NLT

Love and prayers,


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