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Prayer and Peace Are Linked

Just like the pieces of a puzzle...prayer and peace fit together perfectly. These few words, written by the Apostle Paul, teach us the cause and effect of prayer. First, what causes us to pray? It’s our lives...our worries...our fears...our pain...our joys. We need to talk to someone who listens and knows everything!

No spouse, friend, parent, doctor, or therapist knows EVERYTHING about us, but God does.

So, what’s the prayer? It’s quite simple, really. Here it is: “Tell God what you need, and thank him for all that he has done.” That’s it? That‘s what prayer is all about? No special words?

Yes, yes, and no special words. Prayer is simply talking to God and letting him know all about you. He loves to hear you, and he understands everything about you. And don’t forget, just like all parents, God loves to hear “Thank You.“ Through talking with God, we begin a relationship with him and sustain a relationship with him.

And the effect of our prayer: “Then you will experience God’s peace.“ Even though you may not understand everything right now, “his peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

That’s great news!


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Elaine Kennelly
Elaine Kennelly
Mar 09, 2021

My precious Lisa, try asking God for wisdom, a deeper faith, to be more like Jesus every day. And then, my friend, take all those gifts he will give you and use them to serve those in your sphere of influence. Remember, you are a daughter of the King. He loves it when you come to him and ask!


Lisa Anne 💕
Lisa Anne 💕
Mar 09, 2021

I find myself thanking God so very often, but I’m terrible about asking God for anything. Maybe it’s because I feel I’m overly blessed already. And then when I do want to ask him for something I feel as if I’m not worthy. Guess I need to become better at prayer ~ prayers that thank and ask.

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