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Talking to God... Prayers on the Go!

Did you know there is a verse in the Bible that says, “Never stop praying?” It’s found in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 In the New Living Translation. Different Bible versions say:

“Pray constantly.”

”Pray without ceasing.”

”Pray at all times.”

Wow! Who can pray like that? I know I can’t...But here’s is what I CAN do.

I can use short Bible prayers in my thoughts! Yes, when you THINK about Jesus, when you THINK about Bible verses, when you REPEAT them over and over in your mind—you are actually praying.

Want to pray more? Here is a simple, easy, and uncomplicated way to pray: choose one of the Bible verses above or one you have already memorized. Then simply repeat it again and again during the day. It will always re-focus your thoughts on Jesus!

The first Bible verse I ever prayed over and over and over was this: “I love you, LORD; you are my strength.” Psalms 18:1 NLT “I love you, LORD.” What a simple and pure sentiment to offer up to our God! It changed my negative thinking. It brought a smile to my face! It just made me feel good to tell my Heavenly Father that I loved him.

But, there is one thing you will need before prayer will enter your thoughts consistently and that is commitment—be responsible for choosing your favorite verse and memorizing it. Is that simple? Yes. Is it effective. Yes. Will it draw you closer to Jesus? Yes.

You‘re on your way to praying at all times! You will reap a lovely reward!

Praying for you, my dear friend,

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Lisa Anne 💕
Lisa Anne 💕
Apr 19, 2021

I'm going to print these and hand them on my mirror. Thank you for helping me see that prayer can often be very simple (I'm a simple kind of gal). 😍

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