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Suicide Healing: God’s Grace Rules

When did your loved one enter heaven? This week marks the anniversary of my son’s death and his new heavenly home. I have often pictured in my thoughts what that might look like. First of all, I see Matthew—happy. I picture him smiling and joyful, eager to meet Jesus, and that picture brings me great comfort.

I see Jesus, with arms out-stretched, running to meet my precious son, who is redeemed by the sacrifice Jesus provided on the cross and approved by Father God at the tomb. The Apostle Paul explains it this way, “So—just as sin ruled over all people and brought them to death, now God’s wonderful grace rules, giving us right standing with God and resulting in eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 5:21 NLT)

If you, too, have lost a loved one through suicide or if you, too, are seeped in sadness today, Jesus gIves us this kind message, “God blesses you today, as you mourn, as your sadness engulfs you, as your hurt crushes your spirit, as tears flood your eyes.” He promised long ago, and his promise still holds true, “ You will be comforted.” (Matthew 5:4)

Use that thought as your prayer today, “Dear God, I desperately need comfort. Give me your support, your reassurance, your sweet peace in my heart and in my mind. Let me feel your Presence as I relax and put my full trust in your promise to comfort me. Wrap me in your compassion and love, and quiet my soul. Help me to receive your comfort now...through the precious name of Jesus.“ Amen

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Marnie Siehr Smith
Marnie Siehr Smith
May 04, 2021

Praying for you and your family this month especially . Rememberin Matt with love !May God wrap His arms around you and give you the same comfort and peace He will work in others through you!

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