Each day, in fact, is a fresh start, a new beginning when we are in relationship with Jesus, our Savior. We are cleansed, spotless, blameless, guilt-free, and perfect before our Heavenly Father through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ.
Psalms 51:7 says, “Purify me from my sins, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.” The prophet Isaiah quotes God as saying, “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)
We did nothing to earn it, nor do we deserve it, and we can never sin more than God’s grace can forgive. God’s mercy and grace both are a pure gift from our Heavenly Father, who is our Papa, and he supplies grace through his Son, the Redeemer, Jesus. This is the ultimate gift for each one of us!

So, as you enjoy your coffee this morning, live today as an adventure with God. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task. Instead, live expectantly! See God in the beauty of what he created: the sky filled with beautiful sunshine and clouds, or rain to spur the budding of trees in your neighborhood, the lakes, streams, flowers, See God in the beauty of what man has been allowed to create: skyscrapers, intricate bridges, great works of art, even the vast freeways in major cities. Enjoy it all!
Live expectantly today, enjoying the freedom of forgiveness from the God who loves You. His greatest wish is to interact with you today. Talk with him, listen to him, thank him, enjoy him, and let him direct your thoughts and guide your path.
Praying for God to interact with you today,

Your post today is so aligned with a book I'm reading. It's so easy to focus on things of this world ~ troubles, problems, tasks, business ... but what really matters, and what should be first and foremost is our time with God. Plenty of it. I'm reminded that time with God is THE most important thing I can do every day.